Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Background Ideas for Magazine

Model Poses for Magazine

Audience Profile

What age are your audience?
The target audience are aged around sixteen to twenty pkus years olds that are intrested in music and have a background knowledge on the music. It also for people who are wanting to keep up to date with current music as well as old music. I thought that making this our age group audience is the best to target due to younger generation to inform and keep them up to date with music.

What other music magazines do they like?
This sort of target audience is similar to magazines such as: Q, karrange and NME. This gives us ideas on how to set the layout of the magazine and shows us how to get our target audiences to buy our magazine rather than competitors.

What other intrestes do they have? (e.g. what music might they listen to?)
This target audience are intrested in all sorts of music from the classic music to up to date music such as lady gaga, lily allen, green day, and ACDC etc. They have a wide range of music that they are intrested in so we can include so many generes in the magazine. This gives us a wide range to talk about in the magazine instead of sticking to one section of music industry, giving more options for the readers and audience of the magazine, so it's suited for all music lovers. With deciding it has a mass target auidence making it more popular, but could also be reffered with having a niche auidence, but aimed at all music fans.

How would they spend their money?
People that are targeted on buying music magazine tend to spend there money on Ipod's, music CDs and the magazines. So it's for young adults that can afford a bit more expensive magazine, so for music lovers they are more likely to pay for expensive music magazine. People who will be dedicated with buying the magazine monthly who are commited will spend money on band merchandise, band tickets. We could improve the technology of the magazine by offering Apps for our audience to purchase for Ipad's and Ipod's so this could

What expectations might they have?
They will want a magazine that has the key information on gigs, tours, festival with a wide range of artists and fun. They will want a magazine that will stand out from the others and competitions to gigs or meeting the artists.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

What is wanted to be achieved!

By researching a range of magazines, Q magazine is what we aim for the magazines to look similar like and have similar themes throughout. Also Q and our target audience will be similar and seeing how they attract audiences from their front cover, and gave us an  idea of how we want the layout our magazine for the similar audience, aiming it as young adults and music lovers, typically ages 18+. Want to use bright and simple colour scheme of red, black, white, blue and gold having a theme throughout so it isn't boring but still attracts the audience and readers. Our logo should be simple but still catchy so it's easily remembered  magazine making the logo a one word signature stamp so it become more professional. Using models on our front cover is going to be the main focus point of the magazine so therefore they must be of good standard quality and well thought, and decide what poses we could possibly use, fashion ideas for the model  to make the magazine more attractive and a confident looking magazine.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Came up with ideas about what magazines know of which included well magazines such as Q, Vibe, Smash Hits, Kerrang, Q. Then we thought of some well known artists that would be included in magazines and thought of Lady Gaga, Lily Allen, Kings of Leon, Kanye West. Then decided what colours look professional  for music magazine that will make it more noticable for readers, this colours included green, yellow, black, white, red, gold and blue, so these are the colours that going to be considered when making my magazine.

We then narrowed our ideas down into different groups of ideas within what music we will include in the magazine. Thought of 3 music genres and picked Rap, Indie/Rock and Pop music then within each type of music we thought of what music magazines represent these music genres. So within Rap the magazines are 'Complex', 'RAP up, 'Hip Hop' and 'Vibe' some of the magazines we knew and others is what we found during research. Next was Pop music was 'Sugar', 'Top of the Pops', 'Vibe' and 'Smash Hits' and we looked into what consists of each magazine and what was different by looking at the layout, colour scheme, images and use of text depending on the type of genre.

Magazine Research

Q Magazine Research 
  • Q is a music magazine publishe monthly in UK. 
  • Q was first published in October 1986, setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing.
  • Circulation of Q has been around 130, 179 as of june 2007.
  • Originally it was to be called Cue  but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine. Another reason, cited in Q's 200th edition, is that a single-letter title would be more prominent on news stands.
  • Founders of Q are Mark Ellen and David Hepworth, aiming it for music buyers over 25 years old, both genders.
  • Q features many genres, so music suited for all music lovers.
  • Q is dedicated to interviews with popular artists and has a large review section.
  • Magazine contains compiling lists such as- 100 greatest hits etc.
  • Free promotional gifts such as- CD's and merchandise.
  • In 2000 launched own TV channel, now hosts own award show.
  • Released own radio show in 2008.

NME Magazine Research
  • The New Musical Express, popularly known by the initialism NME, is a music publication in the United Kingdom, published weekly since March 1952. 
  • It started as a music newspaper, and gradually moved toward a magazine in 1980.
  • Target audience is for teenagers, young adults and adults.

Kerrang! Magazine Research
  • Kerrang! is a UK-based magazine, devoted to rock music.
  • Published by Bauer Media Group. 
  • It was first published on June 6, 1981 as a one-off supplement in the Sounds newspaper.
  • Kerrang!'s website is dedicated to finding out more information to do with the magazine and also the latest information on the current bands and upcoming events. 
  • The website hosts Kerrang!'s online shop, podcasts, message board, TV and radio segments.
  • Since 1993, the magazine have been holding an annual awards ceremony to mark the most successful bands in the interests of their readers. The awards became one of Britain's most recognised award events.
  • In 2000, EMAP launched Kerrang! as a digital radio station, across the United Kingdom.