Kerrang Contents Page
NME Contents Page
This is an example of NME music magazines contents page. The main story for this contents page is about the band Kasabian, with a brief paragraph and picture which is presented in the middle of the page make this the main focus point of the contents page, it gets the auidence to read. The colours and theme NME uses the same colours for the contents page as on the front cover which is black, white and red colour scheme. There is a clash of yellow getting used in the contents page to try draw attention to that text so the information that is getting potrayed. NME uses sub headings so the reader can easily find the article they want to read, this is the sort of convention most magazines use. In NME magazine it is divided into six parts News, Radar, Reviews, Live, Features and Plus. The page numbers are next to the articles this helps the reader find what they are looking for. The features on the contents page would help appeal to their target audience because the band that is presented are familiar and well known so the information that is shown they would be interested in. On the left hand side of the page is the band index advertising all of the artists that are featured in the magazine issue and there are page numbers so that the reader knows what page they are featured on. There is not a lot of pictures only one main image of the band 'Kasabian' used on the contents page it is more text this is could mean it's a magazine that has more information inside the rest of the magazine. I think the contents page is set out quite well because its well organised and uses every little space of the page, but however this makes it look quite busy and untidy, but overall think it's got enough information the page needs.
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